I believe in constantly learning. I want to share with you some of my favorite studies, courses and books I have read. I make it a point to intentionally use this knowledge & practices in my daily life. Although I have reached "Master” Level in the area of Reiki, you may have noticed if you have been following me for a while, that I changed my title from Reiki Master to Reiki Practitioner.
Personally, and respectfully, I feel that I am not a Master of anything, but a constant student of life and it brings me complete joy to share my knowledge and services with you.
2019 - CBT Practitioner Training (Cognitive and Behavior Therapy) 32 hours study under instructor Kain Ramsay
2019- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Life Coach Specialty 2 hours study under Patrick Howell, former Dale Carnegie Trainer & 12yr Dale Carnegie Business Coach
2019- Reiki Level I, II and Master/Teacher Certification 67 Lectures under Lisa Powers
2020- Energy Medicine with Donna Eden (Master Energy Medicine Practitioner) and David Feinstein (pioneer in Energy Psychology) 8 week course
2024- Currently enrolled in Sound Healing Practitioner Level 1 and 2 Certification with Laurie Fulford Sound Healing Master/Teacher, QHHT Practitioner
2025- Currently enrolled in Basic Massage Therapy with Healing Hands Massage Institute